The installation deals with the topic of femicide. Femicide is the term used to describe the killing of women and girls because of their gender. An important part of my installation is the impossibility of counting the ongoing disappearance.
At the moment the work is based on national statistics of femicide of seven countries retrospectively counting the murders within a five-year period. At the same time, an HTML-code, based on the calculation of the UNODC, counts 137 women murdered daily. It‘s been counting continuously since the moment the artist started the production work, increasing every 10 minutes and 51 seconds.
Installation views: lokal_30, Warsaw (PL), 2022 and Goyki3 Art Inkubator, Sopot (PL), 2021, Künstler*innenhaus Sootbörn, Hamburg (DE), 2023
Funded by Claussen-Simon-Stiftung, Hamburger Zukunftsstipendium and Goyki3 Art Inkubator